Your largest specialist paint warehouse in Gippsland.
NuTech Paint

NuTech Paint

NuTech Paint, proudly manufactured in Seaford Victoria, is a benchmark for quality and innovation in coating solutions.  NuTech is Australia’s premier domestic and industrial concrete and roof coatings supplier. 

NuTech Data Sheetsnutechdata-sheets
NuTech Coating Guidenutechapplication-guides

Designed for Australian conditions

Nutech Paint products are designed and manufactured in Australia to the highest standards that ensure longevity and unrivaled performance in all Australian conditions. This is important as paint is not just a decorative thing. It should protect and in many cases enhance the surface it is being applied to.

Domestic and Commercial Applications

If you are looking for a finish that can protect or enhance either a domestic or commercial surface Nutech has a product to fulfill your expectations.

Nutech manufactures a comprehensive range comprising roof sealers, heat reflective coatings, coatings for concrete, driveways, and exterior / interior walls. We also manufacture and distribute industrial and sports and pool surface coatings, with new products being researched and developed.

Decorative and protective

NuTech manufactures a wide range of coatings for both decorative and protective purposes. Instilled with almost fifty years of technical knowledge their advanced range has evolved as a result of substantial application experience, market research and manufacturing excellence.

The NuTech Range includes:

  • Roof Coatings
  • Concrete Coatings
  • Natural Stone Coatings
  • Architectural Coatings
  • Pool Coatings